Monday, December 12, 2011

Into the Etsy Foray: First Item - Robot Figurine

I've been thinking about creating an Etsy account for several months now, selling only items I can make with things I already have. So this morning, I started a store and listed my first item: Robot Figurine Made from Spare Parts

I wonder if people are interested in tiny robot figurines? Anyway, I'm excited to see what happens, and if anything, I'll have had fun creating adorable artwork. See the Etsy listing HERE.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Break Event for Young Writers

Thanks to the brainstorming help of some talented (albiet easily distracted) Inkaholics I know, we are planning a special young writers event over Christmas break. If you or a young writer you know is interested in doing something creative over break, this could be a perfect opportunity. Here are details:

Eight Players:
Character RPG

3 Wednesdays, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
December 21, 28, 2011
& January 4, 2012

Dream up characters together, set the the stage, then send them on an unforgettable adventure of our own creation. Participants will receive a FREE professionally designed and published copy of the final story. Illustrations by writers are welcome!

Ages: 13-18
Cost: $40 per person
Participants: 8-10 total


It will be an amazingly fun, fast-paced project that will leave young writers with a sense of having accomplished something grand over their break from school--besides getting to level 100 on a video game or watching three dozen movies. ;-)

If you have any questions about the Eight Players Event, please feel free to contact me.

UPDATE: Only 2 spots left! (12-8-11, 8:00 PM)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Inkaholics Books on Sale!

For those of you who have been waiting to purchase Inkaholics Group books for Christmas, this is a great sale to get a few ordered! This offer is only good through December 7, so act quickly to get the deal.

If you're seeing this late and missed the deadline, you can still use this coupon code through December 14:

25% off any of your books
Coupon Code: BUYMYBOOK305
Coupon expires December 14, 2011
$50 Max Savings

Just go to to find all the selections, then use the coupon code when you get to the checkout. NOTE: Lulu only allows one coupon per order.