Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Project 365: 40/365 [Dedicated to Anne]

Today continues February's month of dedications. If you haven't already, follow my blog on Blogger, then leave a comment to let me know if you would like a photo or a video dedicated to you this month.

Project 365: Photo Edition - Icicles

Project 365: Video Edition - Musical Knitting
Dedicated to blog follower Anne

A friend recently taught me and my daughter how to knit. It's fun to have something productive to do with my hands during movies (other than IMing). This video is dedicated to blog follower Anne because she's a big fan of knitting as well.


  1. I wubs! And I'm sooo glad that you are getting into knitting. Have you checked out ravelry yet? It's a wonderful online knit/crochet community.

    Thanks! Hugs!

  2. Thanks, Anne! Yep, it's a lot of fun. :oD I haven't seen Ravelry--what a fun name for a knitting community!

  3. And Lina taught Anywhere to knit, so the chain continues!

  4. Ahaha--the CHAIN continues. Was that a knitting joke? ;o)

  5. Possibly. And of course I taught Lina to knit, so you're the third link down from me!

  6. I'm so happy to be a part of the knitting chain! I will do my best to continue the legacy.
